The State Academic Bolshoi Theatre of Russia. Moscow 2008 - 2010.
1. Stage curtain The Triumphal Entry of Prince
Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin into Moscow Freed from Polish Invaders in 1612.
2. The “gold” curtain ”RUSSIA”
3. Curtains of the Bolshoi Theatre
4. Main Valances
5. The Model of the Stage

Church of the Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki in Blagusha. Moscow. 2002-2005
1.Design of the Central Marble Iconostasis 2. Models of the Iconostasis and Altar 3. Design of the Mosaic Floors

New Jerusalem Monastery (Voskresensky Monastery) Moscow Oblast. Istra. 2014
Sketches for rotunda of the Holy Selpuchre.

Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ. Moscow Oblast. Mytishchi 2004.
1. Monumental Painting of the Cathedral 2. Architectural Model 3. Our Trip to Mount Athos

Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin in Temple. Moscow Oblast. Mytishchi 2002-2003
1. Design of the Iconostasis 2. Fresco Painting 3. Interior Designs

Shukhov’s Country House. Yaroslavskaya Oblast.Myshkin. 2007.
1. Façade Decoration 2. Exterior Design 3. Interior Design

Private Mansion. Moscow Oblast. Gribovo. 2000.
1. Monumental Painting. Hall.
2. Copy of Battle of St Romano by Paolo Uccello 1435.

Banners Created for the Show «Our Ancient Capital» in Red Square to Celebrate the 850-th Anniversary of Moscow. Directed by Konchalovskiy. 1997.
1. Banners 2. Bells